5 Must-Haves for Running a Successful Webinar

I work with clients all the time who want to host a successful webinar. In 2022, we’re still not over webinars—doing them or signing up for them—even when we already have an unhealthy amount of screen time.

Before you host a webinar, you have to define what it is you want the webinar to do for your business.

Because just doing a webinar without a strategy won’t do anything except multiply your to-do list.

So let’s get into it! Here are the top five elements of a successful webinar. 

  1. An Achievable Objective

Expecting to sell out a $2,500 course to an audience that isn’t familiar with what you do isn’t a realistic objective. But, if you’re a well-connected person with a decent size network, there’s no reason you can’t get 100 registrations and 20 show-ups. Managing expectations will help you reach an achievable objective.

2. An Engaged Audience

It’s great if your webinar attendees are already your audience and you’ve been nurturing them for at least 2 months. If you’re a new webinar host, partnering up with someone who has built up trust and authority with their audience can be hugely beneficial. In this case, you don’t necessarily have to have your own audience to have a successful webinar.

3. Virtual Confidence

When it comes to having confidence in front of a web camera, it can feel impossible. Don’t worry though, you can “fake it ‘til you make it” with some easy tricks.

  • Familiarize yourself with the program—knowing which buttons to push in Zoom will help ease any pre-webinar anxiety.

  • Worry less—everybody gets a little anxious, the key is how bad does that anxiety come across. Take deep breaths, you’ve got this.

  • Ask for help—if you can’t handle it, grab your assistant or someone to help you when you need it.

4. Slick Slides 

The pace of slides for virtual events is 1 per minute or faster; the constant screen refreshes make it more likely your audience will pay attention. But, you also need good quality content that builds on itself. 

5. Time & Effort to Fill Your Webinar

One of the reasons our clients like to hand off webinar creation details to us is so that they can focus on connecting with their networks to increase registrations.

Set a goal for your webinar attendance and know that show-up rates aren’t what they used to be.

In the days before webinars were prolific, you could get a 50% or more live show-up rate.

These days, 20-30% is STANDOUT performance.

Last Thing I’m going to Say:

Webinars can be a great tool to connect with your audience, but whether you need one really depends on the goals of your business. If you have an audience that is hungry for what you’re making and the price point is low, you don’t need a webinar to sell it.

The price point doesn’t even have to be low to be successful. In the past year, we helped one of our clients have $200K launches on a $2K+ live seminar series because their existing audience had expressed desire for the training and no other competing offer existed.

We sold it without a sales page!

So if you’re struggling to know whether a webinar will help your business, book a 15 minute fit call.


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